Bloodhound SSC

Bloodhound Augmented Reality

2012, iOS AR app

I recently teamed up with Clicks Media and the crew of the upcoming Bloodhound Supersonic Car to build an iPhone friendly 3D model of the 1000mph rocket and jet powered pencil for an iOS Augmented Reality app. I got to work very closely with the engineering diagrams and CAD models to replicate as closely as possible the prospective World Land Speed Record breaker in as few polygons as possible. The app is being updated constantly, revealing more of the fully modelled Eurofighter jet engines, hybrid rocket, F1 Cosworth engine, cockpit, custom Lockheed Martin wheels and more, so you’ll be able to walk around it and take photos of yourself and the car!

The car is also part of an awesome education drive to encourage more kids to get interested in engineering, physics, sciences and maths. You can download the app here; iTunes and print out the required AR trigger from here –


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